Most Widely Used Test Equipments
Most common used test equipment for testing,balancing and adjusting are listed on below.The equipments should be calibrated by accredited laboroties annually per required tolerances.
Instruction for Mesaurement Devices
-All instruments should be protected against shock,temperature and vibration.
-Use only calibrated instruments to take readings.
-Follow manufactures recomandations and instructions.
1-Balometer (Capture Hood)
An instrument which captures the air supply and return or exhaust terminals and guides it over a flow-meausiring device.It measures air directly cubic meter per hour.Calibration by the manufacture or by accredited laboroties in every 6 months,especially if equipment isn’t check periodically against a sheltered instrument.
This is multipurpose electronic air balancing device that is mainly utilized for efficient direct air flow measurement for diffusers and grilles.The unit is automatically senses and displays supply and return air flow.
The unit has removable micro manometer that accurately measures pressures, velocity and flow. This device can be used in HVAC commissioing, clean room certification, trouble-shooting and TAB works.
2-Pitot Tubes
The Pitot tubes are constructed as a doubel tube with 90 degree radius near to tip and measures both static and total presures.It is 5/16’’ diameter and availabel in various lengths.
This device can be use manometers/electonic maometers.
3-Rotating Vane Anemometer (RVA )
The RVA is generally used for determining air velocity thougrough the supply, return and exhaust air grilles,registers and openings.
Technical Proporties :
4-Manometers with Thermal Probe (Hot wire probe) :
This probe can be use both temperature ve presure mesaurement.The diameter of probe is 7.6 mm Mesaurements can be done without any more devices it is practicak and flexibel to use .
It is more accurant devices and large mesuring ranges.
5-Electrical Instruments
A Portabel multi for measuring volt and amperega.On a three phase motor,measurethe voltage between each phases.The standart practise is to read each pahase from left to right.
6-Hydrolic Manometers :
Hydrolic manometers are used for balancing valves to measure differantial pressure in balancing valves.With flexibel hose connection it is easly to measure differential presure and adjustment of flow accordingly.
The tachometers carries out rpm mesaurements on motors,shafts,fans,etc.
Pocket sized and non-contact mesaurement devices are ideal to use. Non-Ccontacttachometers are
Used when the shaft isn’t accessibel Calibaritaion should be done each 6 month.
8-Sound Mesaurement Devives :
Sound mesaurement devices for equipment sound mesaurements
9-In door Air Quality Mesaurements :
Indoor air quality meter allows you to carry out all the measurements that are necessary to check and adjust ventilation and air conditioning systems and assess the indoor air quality. The IAQ meter also offers a wide range of probes and sensors to equip you to measure various parameters.
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